Days 196 - 203 Austin - London - Finland
I took the rest of my days in Austin very easily. I played with my favorite (and only) niece, went to see some cool cars. Visited a hardware store, fixed some fence and saw the statue of Stevie Ray Vaughan. I also took a little walk in the forest nearby. From the Finn's point of view it was more of a walk in the bush. On Tuesday I took Lyft to the airport and noticed that Norwegian Airlines had organized me a new adventure. The flight was delayed for an hour. In the end it departed nearly 3 hours late which meant that I couldn't get to the next flight from London to Helsinki. That meant an extra 9 hours waiting at the airport. It seems destiny didn't want me to get home yet. Even the last flight was delayed for one hour. But finally at around 2 am I got home and straight to bed. Being awake more than 36 hours in a row takes it's toll. My trip is now over. It's hard to understand that I left quite precisely 6 mon...